Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Card Of The Week: Phelphor

Well since the cards from Silent Sands are now open to the public, why not have a card of the week that revolves around one of them ;)
Phelphor is the second UW that can use the element of Water. True, Water on an Underworlder is weak for now, but they made this creature for a reason.
We all know the rumors about the new tribe, the M'arillians, and the next set, Beyond the Doors.
If you look at Phelphor's flavor text, you can tell that he probably be the one to open the Door Of The Deepmines.

Also, looking by the art, I can speculate that he is entering the Deepmines and he's looking back to make sure no one is following him to try and stop him from opening the doors.

So an Underworlder will open the doors and let loose a new tribe. Will this give us powerfull allies? We don't know but one thing is sure, we will need to be on our guard for when the doors opens.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Silent Sands

In the setting sun, the Conjurors knelt down
in the catacombs, focusing their Mugical
energies on a single point. The harmony of
their chant and the intricate patterns of
indigo blue that adorned the room paled in the
swirling nexus of the Warbeast. Those who felt
a blast wave across the desert, knew its nature;
this was the ill omen mentioned in legends of yore -
this was the night of the Warbeasts heeded by…

The Silent SandsTM Booster Set adds
100 New Cards*:
• 35 New Creatures
• 10 New Battlegear
• 30 New Attacks
• 10 New Locations
• 15 New MugicTM
The Story of Perim continues to unfold,
with the crafty Mipedian Tribe taking
center stage.
New Creature Types will be
introduced to your army including
Assimilated Danians, Warbeasts,
Conjurors, and Chanters.
New Game Mechanics like
Progressive Attacks, Zero-Cost Mugic,
and Mirage Locations.

That's it for now.
This set probably means lots of challenges for the Underworld, but I'm sure you are all looking forward to master the Doomhammer!

Monday, June 2, 2008

Card Of The Week: Carnival Of Confusion

And now, the card of the week.

Carnival Of Confusion is an awesome card to use with the right creatures.
True, most of you will think that "it is only good with Heptadd and creatures with all or most elements" but I will prove you wrong.

That card overpowers an already powerfull creature.
See the initiative? See the way Earth gives Fire? See how this card isn't Unique?
That's right, this is the perfect location for Lord Van Bloot with a Whepcrack!

Can you imagine what a Fire Element Bloot with Whepcrack would do?
Fire + up to 140 Power + Fire 5 + 5 more from the location
Now this is a strong combo.

This isn't the only way to get this card to good use, but I think it is one of the best way for the UW to use it.

I hope you liked this little article.

Friday, May 30, 2008

Creature: Nauthilax "Water Boy"

Base Stats
Courage: 70
Power: 60
Wisdom: 40
Speed: 55
Energy: 60

Nauthilax, the only UW creature that mastered the water element. I know water isn't UW's strong points, but believe it or not, Nauthilax makes a good team with Bloot. I'll explain this when I give out my "Water Lord" post ;)

For now let's look at his stats. He does have alot of energy to counter his recklessness 5 so this is a good start. I want you to look closely at his speed. 55 Speed at base. If you have that, you can give him a Mowercycle to put him to 75 and be able to fully use Frost Blight.

This isn't the best thing to put on a Nauthilax. What you really want to have for a good UW water army is a Nauthilax with max speed (65). Max courage and max energy would be a great help since a water deck for UW would rely on courage and speed.

Now why max speed? Because if you have a max speed Nauthilax, you will be able to fully use an Elixir of Tenacity. Giving you 75 speed, 10 more energy and between 70 and 90 courage.

This is what you want. If not, you can't go wrong with a Torrent Krinth.

Cards like Frost Blight, Skeletal Strike, Paral-Eyes, Rustoxic and Rip Tide are a must for the attack deck and Riverlands, Everrain and Deepmines must be in your locations.

That's it for UW's water boy. Remember that max speed and Elixir is the key to a good Nauthilax and Torrent Krinth for those that aren't at max speed. You want to rely on stats more than water for now until they come up with better water gears.

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Creature: Klasp "The Bomb"

Base Stats
Courage: 65
Power: 95
Wisdom: 30
Speed: 65
Energy: 65

This awesome underworlder is back with a new strategy going for him!
The bomb strategy is the other one that is most used by the UW players out there and now let's look at Klasp's stats.

As we can see, even without a gear, Klasp can use every Fire and Power attacks to full use. He can hold his own in speed challenges most of the time, and he usually isn't affected by Bloot's ability.

This strategy makes use of Klasp's ability that is dealing 10 damage by sacrificing himself. What better gear to give him in this case other than a Nexus Fuse? The fuse will give him the ability to do 25 damage total if things were to get brutal.

With this Klasp, you fight until your opponent is at 25 or less energy and then BAM! You sacrifice Klasp and then sacrifice the Fuse. Make sure it is in this order because the way burst works, if you use the fuse first and then sacrifice Klasp, he will die before the Fuse can be used.

If you can finish the fight without killing yourself in the process, for god's sake please do so! This will enable you to fight another creature with your bomb OR use the fuse for another fight with someone else.

If your strategy is made up around him, you can always put a Song Of Revival to explode even more!

This strategy is better in a 6v6 match I think but it works perfectly for 3v3. Just don't use Revival in 3v3 unless you're with Chaor and Bloot because if not, 2 mugic is a lot and you don't want to use Ulmar only to revive Klasp.

If you like the kamikaze option, this is a good strategy and that's what concludes the bomb strategy.

Weak point you ask? I don't really see one. If the opposing player is going to kill you with his next attack, you may always explode to say "HA! You won't defeat my Klasp, I'll deffeat it myself" ;)

Creature: Barath "The Sweeper"

Base Stats
Courage: 40
Power: 85
Wisdom: 15
Speed: 65
Energy: 60

Now this is a real fighter. The only thing that keeps this baby from dominating the game is his Recklessness 5 and this is only a big issue if you are against another fighter.

Before you add comments about how this strategy is the same everyone use for Barath, I'll tell you this: I already know.

I still need to put the strategy on here. Why would I make an UW blog if I didn't post the most common strategies? It's not the only one for Barath though I already have another one coming in soon ;)

Now let's talk about the sweeper strategy. What's a sweeper you ask? Well it is someone that, sweeps through the front line without stopping, aiming to kill every creature that would be a problem.

This Barath use a Whepcrack as his gear of choice. This will give him 15 power, getting him a maxed power of 110 and another Fire 5 ability!

If you don't have a Whepcrack, you could use the Ring with a max courage Barath, giving him 10 more power and 10 energy to offset his Recklessness a little, an Elixir for 10e on a Barath with less than 50 courage, or an Alterant to boost your power, giving you challenge wins against everyone, even Bloot.

Now what does he bring with him mugic wise? Song of Fury is the best choice right now. If they come up with more Fire and Air attacks, Asperity will be better.

The best thing to do against a big creature with Barath is to use your Song at the start of the battle, giving you another Fire 5 and dealing 10 damage while you're at it.

Let's do the math. Song Of Fury + Whepcrack + Barath's Fire 5 + Flame Orb = 45 Damage in one hit! And you still have your Fire 15 for each fire strike after this. Steam Rage would always do 20 and not 5!

That's how much of a beast Barath is. His weakness you ask?

Against an OW healing deck, Recklessness will eat him. That's the most usefull strategy against him.

That's it for Barath the Sweeper. Oh and by the way, the names I put for strategies are made up names. If you don't like them, you don't have to use them ;)

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Creature: Ulmar "Ur-mar"

Base Stats
Courage: 40
Power: 20
Wisdom: 70
Speed: 35
Energy: 25

Let's talk about Ulmar a little. Probably everyone figured this little green creature wasn't born to be on the frontline right? What if I told you he can be good as a front-liner?

That's what I will be discussing with the "Ur-mar" strategy I figured some time ago. I've never seen anyone with an Ur-mar and I will probably use him in a 6v6 army from time to time.

Ulmar is generally used to cast Canons when not with Chaor/Bloot or use his ability when with either one of them. The gears I see on him is always Lyre, Fuse or Alterant and honnestly, even if he has a little more firepower from the Lyre and the Fuse, most of the time he still lose due to his inability to win challenges. The Alterant will make him win challenges, but his energy will still hinder him.

So what does the Ur-mar use when he gets into battle after having used his ability to help an ally? If you guessed the Ur-Shard, you were right!

Puting Ulmar in the middle row of a 6v6 match with a Ur-Shard is a really good way of fooling your opponent. What will he do to help your team?

1. He will use his 2 mugicians to deal 20 damage and help a creature on the front-line
2. He's going to trap a fighter with a Skeletal Steed trying to defeat your mugic casters.
3. Ur-mar will help every other creature you have by dealing more damage with the Ur-Shard after he's dead.

Now you're going to tell me it's not as good as it seems because when you kill the creature that holds Ur-Shard, you're going to be the one having the handicap right?
What if I tell you to put Discord of Disarming in your mugics? See what I mean?

The fight will be easy and when you're about to get the killing blow, use your mugic, destroy the shard and defeat their big creature.

That's it for the Ur-Mar folks. Stay tuned for more creature strategy and other kinds of blog post ;)

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Creature: Klasp "The Wall"

Base Stats
Courage: 65
Power: 95
Wisdom: 30
Speed: 65
Energy: 65

Klasp, a rare creature of the Underworld, is one of the most popular pick for the Chaor/Bloot duo. From what I've seen, he ties in with Barath Beyond and Ulmar for most favorite picks.

There are two main stategies to use Klasp efficiently and today I will post about one of them.

The first one (and most popular), I call the "Wall" strategy.

Now this strategy is really simple. Equip Klasp with the Stone Mail (best used with a 70e Klasp) and he will become a real monster with 120e. Since he have, on average, more power than Chaor, he's a really good creature to use with a Fire/Power deck (the main type of UW armies).

What you want to do with him is either of these three things.

1. Get enough time to fetch your strongest attacks for the next match.
2. Make your opponent use all their mugic/best attacks to defeat your Klasp, giving you the advantage for future battles.
3. Hit the opposing creature hard while outlasting them.

Whatever you do with Klasp the Wall, you have the advantage.

Of course, he isn't invincible and does have a huge weekness that is called Discord Of Disarming.
If you happen to be against an UW deck, prepare to be hit with this mugic when you get to 50e as it will destroy your gear, killing your Klasp.

If you use a mixed deck with Lore, then I'm sure you have a Refrain Of Denial ready for Klasp's weekness but most of the time, Lore won't be there to save you.

Coil Crush and Gear Grind are also big threats, but they're not really common in army builds.

And that concludes the wall strategy. Stay tuned for the next one and feel free to add to this strategy by adding comments.

Monday, May 26, 2008

6v6 Maximum Damage!

I've seen a topic on Chaotic named "Maximum Damage Contest" made by the user DragonBreake.

After reading the topic, MastaP had the record of 300 damage for a 6v6 army and I tried to break it with an UW army.

Guess what? I did 350 damage!

Here's how:

Narfall @ Whepcrack (Engaged)
Lore @ Mugician's Lyre
Ulmar @ Mugician's Lyre
Ulmar @ Nexus Fuse
Drakness @ Nexus Fuse
Tiaane @ Ur-Shard (won't change anything )
Canon Of Casualty x2
Song Of Fury x2
Caster's Warsong x2

Location: Underworld Colloseum (Credit to Nick15)
Narfall @ Whepcrack (P:80 S:50) engage Heptadd @ Stonemail (P:60 S:60)
Narfall deals 5 damage for each elements on opposing creature = (20) + (5) SM = 25
Hepptad wins Initiative and use Windslash. (Now my pawnage starts )

= 70
Ability: (10) + (5) SM = 15
Ability: (10) + (5) SM = 15
Ability: (10) + (5) SM = 15
Lyre: Caster's Warsong (15) + (5) Drakness = (20) + (5) SM = 25
= 65
Ability: (10) + (5) SM = 15
Song Of Fury: (10) + (5) Drakness = (15) + (5) SM = 20
Lyre: Canon Of Casualty (20) + (5) Drakness = (25) + (5) SM = 30
= 70
Song Of Fury: (10) + (5) Drakness = (15) + (5) SM = 20
Canon Of Casualty: (20) + (5) Drakness = (25) + (5) SM = 30
Nexus Fuse: (15) + (5) SM = 20
= 55
Ability: (25) + (5) SM = 30
Caster's Warsong: (15) + (5) Drakness = (20) + (5) SM = 25
= 20
Nexus Fuse: (15) + (5) SM = 20
Narfall = 75
Ability: (Look up) = 25
Flame Orb: (5) FO + (5 Fire) FO + (5 Fire) Song + (5 Fire) Song + (10) UW Colloseum + (5 Fire) Whepcrack + (10) Challenge Power FO + (5) SM = 50
70 + 65 + 70 + 55 + 20 + 75 = 355

I'm almost certain I didn't miss anything in my calculations, but if I happen to have misscalculated, you can always tell me and I will change it if it holds true.
Underworlders are really good on their own, but if you make them work as a team, they can be a really devastating force.

If someone were to add something to this army that would up the maximum damage, I will update it and give credit.

I've received comments that my understanding of Stone Mail's ability, notably the "All Damage Dealt" wasn't good. I sent a helpdesk and asked about Stone Mail's ruling and I will wait and see the official ruling before changing anything to my max damage.
Edit1: Changed Lava Pond for UW Colloseum (Credit to Nick15). I had forgot the Initiative there was also Speed :P

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Army Build: Sioxnarf's 3v3 Army

This is my main Underworld army which I try to make better every time I get new cards.

Front Row:
@ Whepcrack
C:40 P:95 W:15 S:65 E:55

@ Viledriver
C:85 P:125 W:45 S:105 E:65

Back Row:
@ Whepcrack
C:105 P:100 W:80 S:60 E:75

Canon Of Casualty x2
Discord Of Disarming

Gothos Tower x2
Crystal Cave x2
Lava Pond x2
Underworld Colosseum x2
Underworld City
Cordac Falls Plungepool

Ember Swarm x2
Torrent Of Flame
Flame Orb
Steam Rage x2
Incinerase x2
Danihilation x2
Velocitrap x2
Power Pulse x2
Inferno Gust x2
Flashwarp x2
Ash Torrent x2

I decided to not give my Bloot a Whepcrack because I think he has enough power to hold his own against most creatures and by giving Barath the Whepcrack instead, he can draw against a Whepcracked Chaor and a normal Bloot.

I will be editing this army as I buy/win cards at tournements and you are welcome to leave suggestions and comments to make this deck better.

Edit 1: Changed Castle Bodhran for UW City and Song Of Fury for Discord Of Disarming.

Card Of The Week: Whepcrack

Opposing battlegear to the Riverland Star, a Whepcrack is the best gear you can have for an Underworld army using Power and Fire as their main strategy.
The 15 power it adds is often enough to win stat checks and the Fire 5 you get as an underworlder could save your life if you need the extra damage.
This gear is best used with an adept of the Fire element like Barath Beyond, who would get killed easily if it didn't have this gear.
If you happen to get a Whepcrack, equip it to your strongest creature and you will see your enemy fear your extra damage!

UW Stronghold is born!

On the 25th of may 08, Underworlders Stronghold, a blog dedicated for the Underworld, comes to life.

On this site there will be:

Card of the Week
A list of UW Cards
Strategies for different creatures
Suggestions + Commentary from players
Different army builds