Thursday, May 29, 2008

Creature: Barath "The Sweeper"

Base Stats
Courage: 40
Power: 85
Wisdom: 15
Speed: 65
Energy: 60

Now this is a real fighter. The only thing that keeps this baby from dominating the game is his Recklessness 5 and this is only a big issue if you are against another fighter.

Before you add comments about how this strategy is the same everyone use for Barath, I'll tell you this: I already know.

I still need to put the strategy on here. Why would I make an UW blog if I didn't post the most common strategies? It's not the only one for Barath though I already have another one coming in soon ;)

Now let's talk about the sweeper strategy. What's a sweeper you ask? Well it is someone that, sweeps through the front line without stopping, aiming to kill every creature that would be a problem.

This Barath use a Whepcrack as his gear of choice. This will give him 15 power, getting him a maxed power of 110 and another Fire 5 ability!

If you don't have a Whepcrack, you could use the Ring with a max courage Barath, giving him 10 more power and 10 energy to offset his Recklessness a little, an Elixir for 10e on a Barath with less than 50 courage, or an Alterant to boost your power, giving you challenge wins against everyone, even Bloot.

Now what does he bring with him mugic wise? Song of Fury is the best choice right now. If they come up with more Fire and Air attacks, Asperity will be better.

The best thing to do against a big creature with Barath is to use your Song at the start of the battle, giving you another Fire 5 and dealing 10 damage while you're at it.

Let's do the math. Song Of Fury + Whepcrack + Barath's Fire 5 + Flame Orb = 45 Damage in one hit! And you still have your Fire 15 for each fire strike after this. Steam Rage would always do 20 and not 5!

That's how much of a beast Barath is. His weakness you ask?

Against an OW healing deck, Recklessness will eat him. That's the most usefull strategy against him.

That's it for Barath the Sweeper. Oh and by the way, the names I put for strategies are made up names. If you don't like them, you don't have to use them ;)

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